Pickett Invites Seniors to Fraud Seminars on Feb. 23
January 30, 2024
SAYRE – In her continuing effort to educate older residents about the latest scams and how to protect themselves, Rep. Tina Pickett (R-Bradford/Wyoming) is co-hosting two financial fraud seminars in February.
“The goal of our seminars is to make older residents aware of the latest scams targeting the senior population; teach them how to avoid being victimized; and make sure they know who to call when they are concerned about their safety and financial well-being,” said Pickett.
The free events are scheduled as follows:
• Friday, Feb. 23, 10 a.m., Sons and Daughters of Italy Hall, 301 Desmond St., Sayre.
• Friday, Feb. 23, 1 p.m., Wysox Fire Hall, 111 Lake Road, Wysox.
Pickett is teaming up with the Pennsylvania Department of Banking and Securities, the BSST Area Agency on Aging and PA Link to present the events, which will feature Fraud Bingo, a fun and interactive presentation that teaches consumers how to protect themselves from investment scams and other schemes.
Reservations are encouraged and can be made online at RepPickett.com/events or by calling Pickett’s district office in Sayre (570-888-9011) or Towanda (570-265-3124).
Representative Tina Pickett
110th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Andy Briggs
RepPickett.com / Facebook.com/RepPickett
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